Our Daughters Are...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

There is something about being 9 months pregnant at Christmas this year that has me really thinking about Mary and how she must have felt.  I know how excited Matt and I are to meet our child soon, and all the anticipation and uncertainties that come along with that.  I can't imagine how Mary (and Joseph) must have felt knowing that the child they were going to meet wasn't just any baby, but was the Son of God, the Savior.  They must have been so excited to meet Him, but I wonder at all if they were nervous about having been entrusted to carry and raise Jesus.  I think about the immense faith they must have had, trusting God that He would provide for them and take care of everything.  And to be chosen by God to be the earthly parents of Jesus?  Wow. 

There's a song that I heard a year or two ago around Christmas that has become one of the songs I love listening to this time of year.  It's called "Labor of Love" and it's about Jesus's birth and what that must have been like for Mary and Joseph, all alone in a stable in an unfamiliar town.  How hard that must have been, not only for Mary with no one else to help her, but for Joseph, who I'm guessing had probably never seen/been around someone giving birth, not to mention having to watch the woman he loved in so much pain.  Here's a link to the song on YouT.ube if you want to hear it:

Matt and I are having a quiet Christmas this year, and I'm actually really looking forward to the rest of today and the next couple of weeks.  My dad and stepmom came up last Sunday, and my mom and stepdad came up Friday and left yesterday.  Matt and I have plans to just hang around the house, watch movies, relax, and open our gifts to one another today.  And we are hoping to spend the next week or two going on dates and just enjoying our time with one another.  Things around the house are pretty much ready for Baby B, with the exception of putting the swing together (which will happen when the Christmas tree comes down tomorrow) and getting our car seat inspected (happening Wednesday).  We are still a bit in awe that within the next couple weeks or so we will get to meet our child.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

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