Our Daughters Are...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Big sister!

I've been seriously slacking on the updates here.  I'm sorry to those of you who actually read this.  I've thought about updating often, but by the time I can sit down in the evenings and pull out the computer, I've been too sick and too tired to post anything.  But the sickness and exhaustion are for good reason...because Eleanor is going to be a big sister in March!

I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow and Eleanor's little brother or sister should be here around March 27.  Though if he or she is anything like Eleanor, we'll get to meet this little one a few days earlier than that :)

Eleanor has been adorable.  She hugs and kisses the baby every night before bed - though I'm pretty sure she thinks my belly button is the baby!  She often looks at the ultrasound photos hanging on our refrigerator and talks about when we saw the baby and how it sounded like a train.  (That's what we told her the heartbeat sounded like when we had her listen during the ultrasound.)  Hopefully she stays this excited once this baby actually arrives!

As for me, I've not been feeling great.  Compared to my pregnancy with Eleanor, this has been a walk in the park so far.  But in reality, I feel awful in the evenings and I'm still getting sick.  Though instead of getting sick daily now I'm down to every couple of days.  That's an improvement I'll take.  The difference makes me wonder if this little one is a boy.  We'll find out when he or she arrives in March!