Our Daughters Are...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

35/35 and an update

So today marks a fun milestone - 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!  Hopefully we have at least a few more weeks.  The doctor on Thursday seemed to think so.  After staying home from work Wednesday and Thursday, I went to my appointment Thursday afternoon slightly nervous about what we would find out.  I knew the contractions had slowed down, though, which is good.  Matt went with me, which was great since he hadn't actually met my doctor yet, just some others in the practice.  He really liked her, which is good, since I love her :)  Anyway, she talked with me about how I'd been feeling, how the contractions had been, etc.  She checked and I'm still only dilated 1cm.  She told me that if I was comfortable, I could go back to work and see how it went.  She told me to just make sure I'm listening to my body and if I hit a point where I'm having a lot of contractions or need to rest or take a day or part of a day off work, to do that.  My doc said that some women have more contractions than others, but that it was good that mine had slowed down and it didn't look like I was going to go into labor at any moment.  So I went back to work Friday and did alright.  I took it as easy as I could, but I do teach five year olds :)  But I only had a couple of contractions all day, so I'm hoping that Baby B stays put for at least a few more weeks.  I only have 14 school days until we're finished with the semester, so I'd really like to make it until then.  I'm also really relieved that things look okay and I haven't dilated any further.  I also got a call from my doctor's nurse Friday saying that the labs from the hospital Tuesday night showed just a slight bit of bacteria in my urine, which could be nothing or could be just enough to cause my contractions.  They called in an antibiotic that I started this morning and take for seven days just in case that's what's causing the contractions, because they would rather treat it than let it go. 

Matt and I took some maternity photos this morning with a friend of ours who is a professional photographer.  I think we got some awesome pictures and I can't wait to see them!  As an added bonus, he and his wife are in the process of adopting two beautiful children from Africa and all the money from our session is going straight into their adoption fund.

It's been a while since I've done a survey and posted a photo, so here you go :)

How far along? 35 weeks
How big is baby? Around 19 inches long and just over 5 pounds - definitely running out of room, that's for sure!
Total weight gain? 26 pounds.  Not too bad!  And most of that is belly :)
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? So-so.  Just waking up a lot to use the bathroom.
Best moment this week? knowing that Baby B is okay
Weekly wisdom: Don't feel silly or like a paranoid first-time mom for calling the doctor during the day or the on-call doctor.  That's what they're there for.  (I was worried I'd call the doctor on call and then the contractions would turn out to be nothing or would stop.  I'm so glad that I called.)
Milestones: Baby B's kidneys are fully developed

1 comment:

  1. Glad the doctor appt on Thursday went well! I know Matt was trying to hurry back for it, glad it looks like you have a few more weeks yet!
