How far along? 13 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss? I'm down about 5 pounds, thanks to being so sick. Luckily, my doctor isn't worried about my loss and said that it should turn around soon.
Maternity clothes? Some. Not a lot. Mostly I've just been wearing loose skirts and dresses. But my friend just gave me a bunch of her old maternity clothes, so I'll probably start wearing some of those soon.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep: It stinks. I haven't been sleeping well at all. I keep waking up to go to the bathroom or because I just can't get comfortable. I miss sleeping on my stomach.
Best moment this week: Hitting the second trimester! Oh, and buying our nursery furniture! (another post on that coming soon!)
Movement: None that I can feel, though when I went to the doctor this past Thursday and she was using the doppl.ar she said that the static we heard while listening to the heartbeat was Baby B moving around!
Food cravings: None really. It's more just a waiting game every day to see what I think I can eat and keep down.
Gender: We'll find out in January! Matt thinks it's a girl, I think it's a boy - we'll be happy either way :)
Labor signs: Nope, and there better not be any for a long time!
Belly button in or out: In
What I am looking forward to: Eating without worrying it's going to come back up. And feeling movement - hopefully within the next month or two!
Weekly wisdom: Your doctor's office is used to people calling with questions. It's okay to call. They don't think you're annoying or high maintenance. (This is what my doctor's nurse told me this week.)
Milestones: Second trimester! Woo hoo!
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