How big is baby? Baby is an avocado this week! 4.5 inches long and about 3.5 ounces!
Total weight gain/loss? I'm almost back to where I was before I got pregnant. Not quite, but getting there. I go back to the doctor on Thursday, so we'll see what the "official" numbers say later this week.
Maternity Clothes? Oh my goodness! I discovered today the wonderfulness that is maternity pants. Why I didn't explore this sooner, I have no idea. Sooooo comfortable! I still have some dresses and a skirt, along with some shirts, that aren't maternity that I can fit into comfortably, so I'm still mixing and matching. The photo today, though, is the first time I've worn entirely maternity clothes. I'm thinking this will be happening more often.
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? Still hit or miss. Some nights are decent, and others I'm up every 1.5 hours to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week? Meeting our friends' new little baby boy, Jude! He's a cutie. And our nursery furniture arriving!
Movement? Nothing consistent, though when I was sitting still last week there were definitely some twinges going on that were like nothing I'd ever felt before.
Food cravings? No real cravings, just whatever sounds good at the moment.
Labor signs? Nope
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat again at my appointment this Thursday!
Weekly wisdom: Maternity clothes are comfortable. Wear them. :)
Milestones: Baby's eyes and ears are close to their final positions. Toenails have started to form. And fingerprints are on their way this week!

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