How big is baby? about 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces - like a turnip
Total weight gain/loss? At my appointment on Thursday I learned that in the past 4 weeks I have gained a total of almost 3 pounds. Woo hoo! We are finally moving in the right direction! My doctor was pleased with that amount.
Maternity clothes? Pretty much. I still have some shirts that are fine, and a couple skirts and dresses, but the maternity stuff is so much more comfortable. Plus, it shows off my bump :)
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? Still waking up often to go to the bathroom. My hips are starting to become sore, I think from sleeping on my side. The guest bed seems to be easier on my hips than our bed.
Best moment this week? Getting to see our friend Kandice's parents at church this morning and having lunch with them, and several other awesome people, after the service today. It was such a good and encouraging time. Oh, and hearing baby's heartbeat on Thursday - a great rate of around 140 beats per minute!
Movement? Still just every now and then.
Food cravings? Nope, still just aversions.
What I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound! Only 10 days to go! We are excited to see baby looking like a person and not like a little gummy bear :)
Weekly wisdom: People apparently like to start rubbing your stomach when you start showing. Just be prepared.
Milestones: Baby can move his/her joints and their sweat glands are starting to develop.

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