We're starting this blog to keep our family and friends, especially those who don't live nearby, updated on my pregnancy, and eventually, life with our little one. I had intended to start this blog a little sooner, but things don't always go as planned. I didn't want to start it too early in case something didn't go so well. Then things were going okay, except I started feeling sick and didn't want to do much. But truthfully, finding a name for this blog that wasn't already taken was kind of difficult and is the reason this didn't get started 3-4 weeks ago. Because, you know, naming the blog "I keep throwing up," while true at this stage in life, probably wasn't the best idea. And in a moment of desperation to no longer see the red letters saying "this blog name is not available," I typed in the one about throwing up. And lo and behold, green letters popped up saying, "this blog name is available." I kind of just wanted to see if ANY name would be available. But I figured actually naming our blog that was not a feasible option, so I went back to the drawing board. Finally, I found one that worked - and that didn't have our last name in it, something I'm picky about on the internet.
So here's a recap of the last two months...
May 1 - +HPT!
May 9 - start spotting and cramping; begin freaking out
May 10 - ultrasound shows a gestational sac and thick uterine lining, but it's too early to see anything else
May 16 - spotting finally stops; oh, and hello nausea
May 25 - ultrasound shows a tiny little bean inside that gestational sac with a heartbeat of 137 beats per minute! Oh, and the doctor gives me meds for the nausea
June 2 - another ultrasound showing a baby developing right on track with a great strong heartbeat at 176 bpm
June 16 - meet with the nurse practitioner and again get to hear that awesome thump-thump of the baby's heartbeat with the doppler
That's the summary. Honestly, it's been a rough past 6 weeks or so. I've been really sick, and the nausea meds (I'm now on my third kind) don't seem to be helping a ton. Or, if they are, I'm scared to see what it would be like to not take them. In a nutshell, I spend most of the day nauseous and trying to decide what I think I might be able to eat. Then I spend my evenings up close and personal with the toilets in our house. Seriously, you know it's bad when your husband informs you he cleaned the entire house and adds, "Oh, and I made sure to clean all the toilets really well so you had clean places to throw up." Funny, yes, but oh so appreciated. Speaking of appreciation, I do need to mention how awesome Matt has been. Seriously. He's done laundry for the first time in our three years of marriage. He's cooking. He's doing the dishes - okay, who are we kidding, he's always done the dishes. Yeah, I'm a lucky girl. He's going grocery shopping. He's cleaning. He brings me popsicles, water, food, etc. He tolerates the car being freezing cold because I'm always hot and want the air on full blast. And yes, he cheers me on when I'm getting sick by yelling, "That sounded like a good one!" from the couch. But he's been amazing and I am a lucky, lucky girl. I love that man.
So, baby stuff. Baby should be here sometime around January 7. We are not planning on finding out what we're having, so we're "Team Green," as it's called. I've sort of started looking at baby stuff, but not a ton. When I'm sick, I don't really want to have to think. But I have started reading Ba.by Bar.gains and making lists - because that's how I roll. I love me a good list. We're hoping to get the closet cleaned out in the future nursery this summer, as well as start clearing out the other items in the room. I want to get furniture picked out, along with paint colors, before school starts back up. We might even start our registry before then, just because we have the time to work on it now. We're both so busy when school starts up that I have a feeling I'm just going to want to sleep in the evenings and on the weekends.
I think that's all for now! I have a few other ideas for posts in my head, but I need to get some sleep since I have to spend the next three days in a workshop. Boo for having to set an alarm! I have a feeling there will be naps when I get home in the afternoons, though.
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