How big is baby? about 4 inches long crown to rump, and 2.5 ounces - the size of an apple
Total weight gain/loss? I still weigh less than when I got pregnant. How that's possible with this bump, I have no idea, but apparently it is.
Maternity clothes? More and more, just because they're comfortable. I could fit into my regular jeans and use the hairtie trick, but really, why do that when I can just wear looser clothes?
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? It's hit or miss. Some nights are decent (last night I actually slept for almost 5 hours in a row!) and some are not (the night before I was up every 1.5-2 hours to use the bathroom or to toss and turn).
Best moment this week? Meeting our friends' twin baby girls! They're beautiful and we're so happy for our friends. They've had a long journey to parenthood, and they're already amazing parents.
Movement? Nothing definitive, but I've felt a sensation like bubbles are popping. According to the internet, that's the baby! I'm looking forward to feeling more solid movements, though, and more frequent ones.
Food cravings? None really. Though chocolate has been sounding good this week. Then again, when doesn't it? :)
Labor signs? Nope
What I am looking forward to: My next appointment next Thursday, and then our next ultrasound on August 10th! I'm excited to see the baby actually looking like a baby and not like a little gummy bear :)
Weekly wisdom: Not sure I have any wisdom this week :)
Milestones: Even though baby's eyes are still fused shut, he/she can now sense light! So shining a flashlight at my stomach would likely cause baby to move around. Also, his/her legs are longer than their arms and baby can move all their limbs and joints now.
(disclaimer: this photo was taken after dinner; my bump is definitely a bit smaller in the morning)

You look fantastic!! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I sent you a PM (this is FancyCats). :)