Our Daughters Are...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our first ER visit and sick visit to the doctor

Friday night Matt and I ended up having to take Eleanor to the emergency room.  I'm sure that's not the last time we'll be there with her, but I would be completely fine if it was.  Toward the end of last week we noticed Eleanor choking when she was eating.  She has a really hard time getting her breath back after this, and she was also breathing really heavily a lot of the time.  We called the on-call line at our pediatrician and were told to take her in to get things checked out.  We spent several hours there Friday night and into early Saturday morning.  Eleanor was great the whole time we were there, even through the x-rays they took.  The doctors in the ER didn't find anything and thought she might have reflux.  We were told to follow up with our pediatrician this week.

I called this morning and was able to get an appointment with Eleanor's doctor today.  Again, Eleanor is checking out healthy (they listened to her chest, looked in her throat and ears, etc).  Eleanor got hungry while the doctor was in the room so I started feeding her while the doctor watched.  She thinks Eleanor is taking her bottle too fast, which is causing her to choke.  So we are using a special slow-flow nipple (even slower than the infant nipples sold in stores) to see if that helps at all.  If it does, the doctor wants us to use that for a month and then try introducing regular nipples again to see how it goes.  If this nipple doesn't seem to help then the doctor will order a swallow study to see what's going on.  The doctor does think Eleanor has some reflux, but since she doesn't seem to be in pain when she's spitting up we are holding off on medicine for now since the medicine wouldn't help the spitting up but would only make it painless.  Neither the doctor nor Matt and I want her on medicine if she doesn't need to be.  Eleanor has her one-month (!!!) appointment next week so we'll follow up with the doctor then to see what our next steps are.

Some good news, though - Eleanor is up to over 8.5 pounds!  Woo hoo!  We started using the Mo.by wrap this weekend now that she's finally big enough and she LOVES it!  Plus, putting her in the Mo.by on Sunday allowed me to actually stay in the whole service at church because she slept the whole time :)

1 comment:

  1. Scary! Hope you don't have to make any more hospital visits any time soon!! Glad she's ok. :)
