How big is baby? All the books say baby is about 14 inches long and weighs 1.5-2 pounds
Total weight gain/loss? I was up 13 pounds total at my appointment 2 weeks ago, so maybe 14-15 pounds total by now. The doc was pleased with my gain so far.
Stretch marks? Nope. And my mom said she never got them with me or my sister, so I'm hoping it's the same for me, since stretch marks are supposed to be hereditary.
Sleep? Decent. I'm getting a few hours in at a time.
Best moment this week: Picking out coming-home outfits (another post on that coming soon!) and painting the nursery (happening today!)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the nursery completely painted (it's primed right now, and our friends are on their way over to help paint)
Weekly wisdom: People tell you that you "look great." I'm convinced people say this no matter what, as I feel like a huge cow lately. Seriously, the picture this week is enough to show you that I've suddenly become huge, especially when compared to the picture from 2 weeks ago.
Milestones: Air sacs are beginning to form in Baby B.'s lungs, and he/she can now open their eyes.
And here's the picture. I feel HUGE compared to where I was a week or two ago.

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