How big is baby? About 2 pounds and 14 inches
Total weight gain/loss? My best guess is that I'm up 14-15 pounds.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? Still so-so. I woke up Thursday night with an awful cramp in my left calf that had me gasping. I know those happen during pregnancy, but I'm hoping that does not become a frequent occurrence.
Best moment this week? The nursery is painted! And we got to attend a fundraiser cookout tonight for friends who are adopting two beautiful children from Africa. It was so encouraging to hear how God has provided for them thus far, and to see photos of their son and daughter.
Weekly wisdom: When in doubt, call the doctor. That's what they're there for. I had to call on Friday because Baby B hadn't really moved around much at all Thursday or Friday, and that's just not normal for me at this point, so I got concerned. The nurse was super nice and encouraged me to call any time. In the end, I left school right after dismissal (so about 45 minutes early), came home, drank some cold juice and laid on my side to do kick counts. Baby B finally decided to start moving around and we had 9 movements in one hour (I was told to call immediately if I felt less than 5).
Milestones: 3rd trimester! Oh, and I realized today that I can no longer see my feet if I stand normally.

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