In baby-related news, before I do the survey, here are some highlights:
-The nursery is pretty much cleared out! The desk still has a few random things, and then that needs to go, but aside from that (and the litterboxes), the room is empty! We picked up some paint swatches this weekend so hopefully we'll have colors picked and the room painted soon-ish!
-We have a car seat! Babie.s R U.s was running a sale where if you traded in an old car seat, stroller, swing, bouncer, pack n play, etc., you got 25% off a new one. Some awesome friends from church gave us their old car seat and we bought one for our little one!
And, the biggest news...Matt got to feel Baby B kick! I'd been trying for about a week or so, and every time Matt would come over Baby B would stop kicking or wouldn't kick hard enough to feel from the outside. But last weekend Baby B had consistently kicked pretty hard in the same place a few times, so Matt put his hand there - and Baby B kicked again 3 or 4 times before stopping. Hooray! I was laying on my side and couldn't see Matt's face, but he said that it was pretty cool :)
And here's a survey...
How far along? 24w1d
How big is baby? Not sure exactly, but according to the books, Baby B weighs just over a pound and is about 8-9 inches long.
Total weight gain/loss? Not sure. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? It's getting better, most nights. I'm still waking up to go to the bathroom, but am going 3-4 hours in between those trips sometimes.
Best moment this week? Baby B moving around a TON, buying our car seat, and (I'm going back to last week) Matt feeling Baby B kick!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting two new babies who were born today to friends of ours (2 different sets of parents); picking paint colors!
Weekly wisdom: Five year olds have tons of questions about babies. Have fun explaining to them why you don't know what your baby looks like yet and why you can't bring your baby to school tomorrow so they can see it :)
Milestones: 24 weeks! Viability! (Basically, if something were to happen and Baby B decided to come sometime between now and his/her due date, there is a decent-ish chance he/she would survive. But Baby B needs to stay put for a good while yet!)

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