How far along? 21w4d (picture taken at 21w1d)
How big is baby? As of a week ago, Baby B weighed 12oz!
Total weight gain/loss? Officially on the doctor's scale, as of Monday, I've gained about 7 pounds total. Not too bad for being 21 weeks in!
Maternity clothes? I think I'm going to stop answering this one after this week - because I'm loving my maternity clothes. Aside from just a few shirts that still fit, I'm only in maternity stuff. And I'm not sure that I ever want to go back to non-maternity pants. The maternity ones are so comfy!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? It's okay. Still waking up every couple hours, but I'm usually able to get right back to sleep.
Best moment this week? Well, I'm going back to last week - finding out that Baby B is healthy and "perfect!"
Movement? I feel something most every day, but usually when I'm sitting still. Baby B seems to be most active (or I feel him/her the most) mid-morning and in the evening.
Food cravings? Not really, just what sounds good at the moment. I'm still liking the occasional root beer.
What I am looking forward to: We are spending the long weekend with our small group from church up in Wisconsin, and I can't wait. We had such a great time last year, all in one big house in the middle of nowhere, just hanging out and enjoying the community we have with each other. We leave Friday after work and come back on Monday.
Weekly wisdom: If the doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be either. (lesson learned about looking things up online - low placenta can bring up scary things, but most of the time, things are fine. I'm not worrying about it until the doctor seems worried - and neither the specialist nor my regular doctor are worried yet).
Milestones: Baby's eyebrows are present now. And in fun news, according to a pregnancy book I'm reading, baby's hair is all white right now because it doesn't contain any pigment at this stage in gestation.

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