As of yesterday, Baby B is half baked! 20 weeks down, 20 to go! I think Baby B was having a little party for him or herself yesterday, celebrating making it to the halfway point. He or she was moving around like crazy for most of the morning and early afternoon, and I saw my stomach move for the first time yesterday! It was just a quick little outward motion, but it definitely moved. I am really looking forward to Matt being able to feel and see this little one moving around.
Speaking of seeing the baby moving around, we do have our ultrasound tomorrow with the maternal and fetal medicine folks. We meet with the genetic counselor at 2:00 and have the ultrasound at 3:00. Please, please be praying that Baby B is healthy. We are feeling fairly confident things will be okay, and are looking forward to another chance to see our little one moving around. Hopefully he or she is awake this time, and cooperates so we can see their face! We will keep everyone posted as to what we find out tomorrow. We do appreciate all the encouragement, support, and prayers over the last week or so.

(all dressed up to go on a double date to see a friend in "Hairspray.")
How big is baby? a banana- roughly 10 ounces 10 inches long. At the last ultrasound, just over a week ago, Baby B weighed 9 oz.
Total weight gain/loss? Well, I weighed myself yesterday morning, and I'm not sure I've gained anything since the last time I went to the doctor. I have my monthly appointment on Thursday, so we'll see what their scale says.
Maternity clothes? Pretty much exclusively. I still have some shirts that I can wear, but outside of those it's maternity stuff all the way.
Stretch marks? Still none yet
Sleep? Still waking up about every 2-3 hours to go to the bathroom. And my hips still really hurt when I wake up.
Best moment this week? Seeing my stomach move! And hitting the halfway point!
Movement? Still not super consistent, but most days I feel something. Usually it's when I'm sitting still, especially in the evenings.
Food cravings? Lately I've been really enjoying root beer (caffeine free). One every couple days has been a nice change from just water, milk, and juice.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing our little one again tomorrow (and hopefully getting great news)
Weekly wisdom: Eat. All the time. Because even though you think you're eating a lot, you still get hungry. (This is especially true now that I'm back at work - I eat before I leave the house, have a snack when I get to school, a snack during my prep, lunch, and an after school snack - and I'm still super hungry by dinner.)
Milestones: 20 weeks down, 20 to go!
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