Our Daughters Are...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Things I Don't Want to Forget - 7 months

-Eleanor is so active these days!  She's not crawling yet, though she desperately wants to.  She gets her feet kicking and her arms moving, but she just hasn't quite figured it out yet.  She has gotten onto all fours and started rocking several times though, which is a start!  She's also pushing herself backward, which is the first step in figuring out crawling.  She'll get there.  In the meantime, Eleanor has discovered that she can simply roll across a room to get what she wants - toys, cell phones, whatever catches her eye.  And putting her down for a nap often turns into her playing around and attempting to crawl.  I have a newfound appreciation for all the slats around her crib!  Check her out:

-She is talking up a storm.  Of course by talking I really mean babbling, but Eleanor thinks she is talking.  She has so much to say.  She has discovered the "b" sound and has been making that quite frequently, with some "m" and "d" sounds thrown in there.  We've been trying to get her to mimic us when we say "mama" or "dada" but anytime we do that she just laughs.  Apparently those are funny words that are better laughed at than repeated.  Recently she's been saying the "d" sound after Matt does it, but not with consistency.  Mostly she just smiles.

-Eleanor loves banging things together to make noise.  I bought her some stacking cups to play with and she likes hitting them against each other.  This past week she also discovered that she can hold her pacifier by the nub that goes in her mouth and bang the back of it against her crib in order to make a really fun sound :)

-Eleanor also really likes being "chased."  If Matt holds her and I walk behind she thinks I'm coming to get her and just starts grinning and kicking her legs and flapping her arms.  It's adorable.  Today walking into church Matt was carrying her and she looked at me and started grinning her huge grins, thinking I was chasing her (really the sidewalk wasn't wide enough for me to walk next to them).  I got to "chase" her all the way into church and she loved it.  It's one of our favorite games to play together as a family now; we've made lots of trips across our upstairs hallway and in and out of bedrooms :)

-Little Miss loves.loves.loves mirrors.  She grins and squeals and kicks her legs when she sees herself.  Each day we take a tour of the mirrors upstairs in our house.  She has a ball.  We have one full length mirror in our guest room that Eleanor loves to sit in front of.  She just grins, hits the mirror, tries to pull on it (don't worry, I hold it so she can't pull it over, since it's just propped against the wall), and generally has a blast.

-Eleanor also loves closing things.  She loves closing the computer-type thing on her activity table and I found this toy at a consignment store.  I just open all of the things and let her go to town, then rinse and repeat!

-Solid foods are going really, really well.  She loves carrots and peaches, but really I'm pretty sure she'd eat anything we give her.  She's getting pretty good and gnawing off chunks of whatever she's eating and then mashing them around enough to swallow them.  She still gags a bit, but not nearly as much as she did when we started BLW.  I'm trying to branch out in the vegetables and fruits I'm giving her.  She's trying cauliflower this week.

-Eleanor has (just this weekend) discovered that she can hold on to something and stand up.  She's not quite pulling herself up yet, but she tries when she holds on to someone's fingers.  But if we stand her next to an ottoman or a toy she thinks she's pretty awesome. 

-Today we moved Eleanor to her convertible carseat.  The infant seat was getting a little cramped, though she is still well within the height and weight limits for it.  But to be honest the only places we have carried her carseat in and out of in the last couple months are the house and daycare.  She's getting so big that it's really heavy carrying her and the carseat.  She seems so much more comfortable with more room.  I'm planning to do a post soon-ish about the carseat we chose and why (I'm becoming a big fan of extended rear facing).

-Eleanor had her first trip to the state fair.  She had lots of fun people and animal watching.  She even got to pet a llama (with her foot, since her hands are always in her mouth) and thought it was pretty amazing.  We went through some of the things set up for kids, including an exhibit where kids work on a "farm" and have to collect different things to put in their basket.  Check out Eleanor's cool hat and her basket of goods, which we "sold" and got $1 (in fake money) to exchange for a treat (we got applesauce, as it was all Eleanor can eat that was being offered).  I think we had more fun with it than Eleanor did, though she liked posing with the giant pigs :)

-We spent last Saturday in Louisville celebrating my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary with mass and dinner.  How pretty does Eleanor look in her dress?  

This is such a fun age.  Matt and I enjoy the time we get to spend together as a family and realize we are so blessed by the amount of joy Eleanor brings to our family.  

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