Our Daughters Are...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2 month stats and things I don't want to forget

Eleanor had her two month appointment today.  Poor baby girl got 2 shots and another vaccine by mouth.  She was not a happy camper when we left.  Other than waking to eat, she's been sleeping the whole time since we left the doctor's office.  I'm hoping this is how she is after her shots rather than extra fussy.  The doctor asked about her choking and swallowing, which is better but still happening.  That, along with the fact that she's still having some issues with reflux, made the doctor decide to start Eleanor on a very low dose of Zantac to see if that helps at all.  The doctor said that if we didn't see a change within two weeks to give her a call back.  As of today Eleanor weighs 11 pounds 3 ounces (57%) and is 22 inches long (34%). Her head is 38.8cm around (48%).  I think she's going to be short like her mama :)

Before her shots

After her shots

Things I Don't Want to Forget:
-Right now Eleanor is eating 4.5 oz every 3.5 hours, with a total of 5 bottles a day.

-Eleanor has been consistently sleeping 7-9 hours straight at night for the last 3 weeks.  Her mommy and daddy are very happy with this and are feeling much more rested these days :)

-Eleanor really likes to coo and gurgle at the things she's looking at.  She will track objects with her eyes, kicks her legs and moves her arms like crazy when she's excited, and is slowly starting to smile more.  Matt got the biggest grin out of her on Monday night, which is the first time she's really smiled at a person.  Melted my heart.

-Bath time is one of her favorite times.  She loves having the water poured on her (and I think she likes the sound of the running water, too).  She's so happy and content when she's in her little whale tub and just looks around at everything.  She's also pretty cute when she's all wrapped up in her hooded towel afterwards :)

-Eleanor likes to look at things.  Her current favorite way to be held is with her head up on your shoulder.  Her head rarely actually touches our shoulders, as she likes to hold it up and just look around at everything.  (The doctor did comment today that Eleanor is really strong as far as her neck and arm strength go, after watching her push herself up off the exam table.)

-One of Eleanor's favorite activities is to jump.  She kicks her legs and sometimes even tries to push off while we are helping her jump.  We bought a jumper/exersaucer combination thing for her a couple weeks ago and it's sitting in the garage, just waiting until she's big enough to use it.

-Eleanor likes to stick her tongue out.  Sometimes she just lays on her stomach during tummy time and licks her activity mat.  She also will just lick the air.  Matt calls this her snake tongue :)

-Two surefire ways to get Eleanor to poop: put her in the carseat for more than 5-10 minutes (seriously, it's her favorite place...and then it gets all smooshed out the legholes of her diapers.  It's awesome.) or start a load of diaper laundry (within about 30 minutes of starting diapers, there will be a dirty one in the diaper pail).

-She is getting so big!  We took the newborn inserts out of her carseat and swing this past week.  She's still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but the sleeves are getting a little short.

-Generally Eleanor is a pretty happy little girl.  We get so much joy out of her!

And here's one more photo - this was taken on our drive home from West Virginia.

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