How far along? 31 weeks 1 day
How big is baby? all the websites and books say Baby B weighs between 3-3.5 pounds and is 16.4-18 inches long. That's probably about right, at least weight-wise, since at our ultrasound 2 weeks ago Baby B weighed 2lbs 13oz.
Total weight gain/loss? I'm up about 21 pounds. Not too bad. The doc is pleased with my gain. They said to aim for 25-35 pounds overall, so I'm on track to fall in that range.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? Not good. I wake up every 1.5-2 hours to use the bathroom. Sometimes I have trouble getting comfortable, and then sometimes Baby B decides that it's time for a middle of the night dance party. Baby B especially does not like when I lay on my right side - probably because he/she has been camped out on that side pretty much this whole pregnancy.
Best moment this week: Seeing the nursery really start to come together. I am LOVING the room!
Weekly wisdom: Naps are great. The housework will get done eventually.
Milestones: Single digit weeks until Baby B's due date!
In other news, I had a doctor appointment on Friday. Baby B's heartrate sounded great, and I'm measuring right on track. I knew I had passed my glucose test, and I found out Friday I barely passed it. The doc said the cutoff is either 130 or 140 depending on the doctor. My numbers came back at 131, but she decided not to have me do the 3 hour test because she didn't think it would come back as me having gestational diabetes.
My kids at school are getting more and more curious about Baby B. One kiddo started rubbing my stomach on Friday as I was picking the kids up from lunch. He said, "You have a big stomach!" I asked him why it was big and he told me, "Because you have a baby in there. Let's go have a talk and you can show me what your baby looks like." Then he pouted for a minute when I told him that wasn't exactly possible :) And as Baby B is getting more active and starting to run out of room, his/her movements are getting borderline uncomfortable sometimes, especially when I'm sitting (I've decided my torso needs to be a few inches longer). When this happens, I tend to put my hand over the spot where Baby B is moving - it's usually his/her bottom that's protruding and making me uncomfortable. I have one student who notices every time I do this and she will excitedly say, "The baby's doing something! What's the baby doing?"
I've also been told by multiple people this week that I look great for how far along I am. Several coworkers have mentioned that I look the same except for my belly, and Matt has mentioned this as well. It's nice to hear, since I feel really big sometimes.
I'm not sure there will be another update this week - but I am definitely looking forward to next Saturday. It's my first baby shower! I can't wait to celebrate Baby B with others who are excited about his/her impending arrival!
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