Our Daughters Are...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

We have a sitter!

That's right!  Eleanor is officially sitting on her own, and for more than just a few seconds at a time.  She's fairly stable and the past few days has been sitting upwards of 10-15 minutes before she falls over.

Check her out!  This is from last week:

And apparently we are now asking for high chairs when we go out to eat instead of a sling for the carseat.  Eleanor rocked this high chair yesterday when we went to lunch with a friend.  (And I've learned that the loops on the cart/high chair cover for attaching rings and toys are awesome.  No toys on the dirty floor when she decides to drop/throw them!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Eleanor's Dedication and a visit to Louisville

Here are a few photos/events that I've been meaning to share but haven't quite gotten around to yet..

First of all, Eleanor was dedicated on Sunday, May 6.  My mom, stepdad, dad, and stepmom, along with my dad's parents, were able to come up for the service and dedication.  We also had several other friends and members of our house church there.  It filled my heart with joy to see the number of people who already love Eleanor (and us) so much.  Our church dedicates up to five babies at a service and they invite friends and family members to come up and pray over the babies.  Here is a picture of everyone praying over Eleanor during the dedication.  I am planning to frame this picture and put it in her room.  I love it and want Eleanor to be able to look at this when she is older and realize what a special time this was and how many people love her and want her to grow up knowing Jesus.

We were also able to make another trip down to Louisville to visit my family over Memorial Day weekend.  My aunt and uncle got to meet Eleanor, and my cousin's 3 year old son had a great time playing with Eleanor.  He tried to teach her how to crawl and how to play with cars.  He did a great job of sharing his toys with her!  During this visit we moved my grandparents into an apartment at an assisted living facility, which was hard but I think it will be really good for them.  They've already settled in, have made some friends, and are doing really well.

Here is a beautiful picture that Matt took of my Papaw with Eleanor.  I love it.  We are also framing this one to put in Eleanor's room.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately!  I've been enjoying summer break home with Eleanor and Matt, since his schedule is a bit lighter in the summer.  We've also been busy doing several projects around the house (which I'll do a post about when everything is finished).  I'm working on a post about what Eleanor has been up to lately - because believe it or not, girlfriend is going to be 6 months old next week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things I Don't Want to Forget - 5 months

Oh my goodness, Eleanor is growing up so fast.  She's learning so many new things.  It's hard to believe that the little peanut we brought home from the hospital in January is the smiling, laughing, big 5 month old that we love spending time with.  (As a side note, I'm loving that summer break lets me pretend that I'm a stay at home mom.  I'm beyond excited to have 2 straight months to spend with Eleanor!)  I don't have official "stats" for Eleanor since we don't go back to the doctor until her 6 month appointment next month.

Here's what Little Miss is up to these days:

-She is still eating 4 oz formula with 2 tbsp of rice cereal mixed in.  She's starting to get hungry a little sooner, so I think we're going to up her to 5 oz bottles tomorrow and see how that goes.  Only about a month until she starts solids, too.  Crazy!
-Wears 3-6 month clothes, though some of these are getting a little small on her.  I put her in a 6-9 month sleeper tonight and it fit well.  She was getting a little too long for the 3-6 month ones.

-Grins a TON and usually has a lot to say as well.  Eleanor will laugh, but she has to find something really funny to do so.  But oh, when she laughs it is the sweetest, most joyful sound.  I love it.  Things Eleanor finds funny: changing a blowout-diaper in a restaurant bathroom, bouncing in her jumper with someone grinning at her, and when Matt takes one of her toys and brings it down to touch her face (complete with sound effects) then quickly picks it back up and repeats. 
Daddy's girl.  She's always got grins for Daddy :)

-Still loves taking baths and splashing around.

-Has found her feet as of last week and she goes for them with just about every diaper change.

-Can sit up with some help, but still falls over if she's unsupported.  But man, she can rock the Bop.py while she's playing with her toys.

-Enjoys having dance parties in the living room with mama.  Oh.my.goodness, the grins and squeals during our dance parties are awesome.

-Puts everything in her mouth.  Toys, other people's hands and arms, anything.  She really likes to try and eat Matt's nose if she's laying next to him :)  Eleanor has discovered that Sop.hie the Giraffe's face is the perfect size to fit in her mouth.  She loves her some Sophie.
-Gives out huge grins when we go in to get her in the morning or after a nap.  She has also figured out where we enter and leave the room, so as soon as she hears a voice she whips her head around to see who's coming.
-Still sleeps 9-11 hours every night.  Mommy and Daddy very much appreciate this.  Oh, and Eleanor still wakes up in the craziest places.  Usually her feet are between the back slats and her head is near the front ones.  This morning, however, Eleanor had done a complete 180 and her head was where her feet normally are.  She accomplishes all this movement because she rolls onto her side, then back down to her back.  Each of these movements moves her just a little bit, until eventually she's completely rotated.
Just chillin' in my crib after a nap

-Can roll front to back, and is doing that more consistently, but hasn't figured out back to front yet.  She's really close and can get all the way over on her side, but then just doesn't know what to do with that arm that's underneath her.

-Is reaching for anything and everything that's nearby.  She especially loves touching people's faces.

-Has realized that bottles=food.  If she's fussing because she's hungry and she sees the bottle, she stops fussing and starts making these really fast noises like, "oh, oh, it's coming."  She will even lean down/over and try to eat the bottle while we are making it.  She has also started being able to hold her bottle sometimes.  She usually reaches for it and keeps at least one hand on the bottle, but she's not able to consistently hold it by herself yet.  And she hasn't quite figured out that the bottle has to be tipped up in order to get anything out of it.

-Enjoys watching ceiling fans.  Seriously.  When all else fails Matt and I will lay her in the middle of our bed and turn on the ceiling fan.  Most of the time this works.  Sunday she hadn't napped all day and I had tried rocking her and a few other tricks.  We put her on the bed and laid next to her (but not close enough that she could touch us, because now her hands also move around a lot and rub whatever is nearby) and within a few minutes girlfriend was out.
Napping with Mommy

-Still takes a pacifier to go to sleep most times, but that's usually the only time she gets the pacifier unless she is super fussy.  She is also still pretty determined to be a thumb sucker. 
-Loves being outside.  We go on a lot of walks and this past Sunday Eleanor hung out in her pack.n.pl.ay on the porch (in the shade) for about a half hour while Matt and I did some yardwork.  She was perfectly content to play with (aka eat) her toys and babble :)

And because this picture is too sweet not to share, here's a picture of Matt and Eleanor.  One of Matt's clients made this quilt for Eleanor and we just recently got it.  Isn't it beautiful?  Anyway, we were taking some photos of Eleanor on the blanket so Matt could show them to the person who made it for her, and then we just played for a while.  Eleanor got tired and fell asleep...and Matt, who had been laying next to her, took a little snooze as well.  I think this is one of my favorite photos of Matt and Eleanor.  I love it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Months

Five months ago we got to meet our happy girl!  On some levels that seems so long ago, but on others it seems like just yesterday.  I'm planning a more detailed post sometime this week about all the things Eleanor is up to these days, but for now enjoy this photo.

By the way, this is how Eleanor grins.  All.the.time.  The other day Matt said he hoped that she always grinned like that.  I asked him if he was then envisioning Eleanor's wedding photos with her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth :)  But it's definitely adorable for now!  She's sooooo happy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bath time!

Eleanor loves bath time.  Loves it.  I think she'd spend all day in the bath tub if she could.  She's been this way since her first bath at home under the kitchen sink faucet.  Girlfriend loves being in the water.  She has recently discovered how to make big splashes by flailing her arms and legs around very forcefully.  This is apparently great fun when one is almost 5 months old.  Eleanor also really enjoys eating her bath time book.

We are thinking of getting a small baby pool for this summer (especially since she'll be sitting up on her own at some point this summer) and I think Eleanor would really like it.  Judging by these photos I'm guessing that Little Miss is going to be a waterbug :)